Monday, 4 July 2022

How to choose a non fake journal for Publication

 Hello Everyone

         Lets know something about how to choose a non-fake journal for publication.

 Many fake journals are there in Scopus and SCI and particularly many journals have multiple websites for them. This causes great confusion and sometimes scholars get trapped into fake journals.


 The following are some of the tips to identify fake/predatory journals.

Go for a detailed search of the journal website.

Check whether the journal is a member of DOAJ, COPE, OASPA or STM.

Approach / function through agents.

In Indian currency, they collect /publish publication fees.

They send spam / phishing mails / SMSs and cannot easily get in touch.

They collect publishing fees for user accounts. 

For more details Contact: Lockeys Technologies,, +91-9629906789/9884122230


 What is H-index & i10-index?



The h-index is short for the Hirsch index – Jorge E. Hirsch (2005).

The h-index is an author-level metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar.

The h-index is simply a count of the largest number of papers (h) from a journal or author that have at least (h) number of citations. 


The i10-index is the newest in the line of journal metrics and was introduced by Google Scholar in 2011.

It is a simple and straightforward indexing measure found by tallying a journal’s total number of published papers with at least 10 citations.            

For publication support you might seek help from an agency like Lockeys Technologies Pvt Ltd, 9884122230/9629906789.

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

PhD assistance/guidane in India:

As many have asked us about the standard of PhD in India and how the process is structured, how to approach the colleges and what are the different phases in doing PhD, we decided to write some thing on it this time.

In this article we are going to take you through the different phases in doing PhD in India:

If you look at it on a whole, obtaining a PhD degree seems to be a tedious process but it is not the same in reality. Let break down the whole process in to different phases as follows and get to know about it in detail.

After a serious of research we have broken down the whole process in to bits and pieces

1. Proposal

2. Implementation

3. Journal Paper Writing

4. Journal Paper Publication

5. Synopsis

6. Thesis

So now lets discuss each of it in detail.

1. Proposal:

Proposal phase is like the foundation pillar of the PhD student, if this phase is not properly structured the  whole of PhD will go directionless. Proposal Phase usually comprises of 

1. Problem statement identification or Research Gap

2. Review paper Writing

3. Review Paper publication

2. Implementation

Implementation is doing or implementing what is been proposed in the Proposal phase. Bringing a real time structure to the problem statement or Research gap is what will be covered under Implementation phase. Using the tool which is been proposed the implementation needs to be completed either using the proposed software or hardware which ever is been mentioned in the proposal. Post which all the results needs to be interpreted.

3. Journal Paper Writing

This is the heart and soul of the PhD work because what ever we have done will be exposed to the research world through our journal paper writing what ever we have done in proposal, review of literature and implementation needs to be converted into a paper of  minimum 15 to 20 pages in Scopus, Elsevier, Springer(SCI) based on the university in which the student is doing his/her PhD

4. Journal Paper Publication

The Journal Paper written needs to be submitted in a suitable journal matching with the theme of the paper. There is no meaning in publishing the paper in a irrelevant journal or journal with less impact factor. The journal should be specific to the content of the paper and it should be a journal with good impact or snip factor otherwise the chances of journal getting removed from the scopus or sci list is very high, which is highly not advisable for a PhD student as his whole work which is been done for over 2 years will go into thrash. Once the paper is out for publication then the paper cannot be published any where so the PhD scholar should be very careful with respect to Publication.

5. Synopsis

Once the paper whatever we have submitted to the journal is accepted from the journal end the student can appear for their viva during which they need to prepare draft of their whole work in 10 to 15 pages max for the viva panel to evaluate and understand. Once the student has completed his viva then it means he/she has crossed 90% of the river.

6. Thesis

The last stage of any PhD work is writing the whole of the work in about 120 to 150 pages which is called as Thesis. The thesis usually comprises of 

1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Review of Literature

4. Research Methodology and tools used

5. Interpretation

6. Conclusion and future enhancements

7. References

There are many research centers which can provide PhD guidance and assistance from the Proposal stage to thesis writing in a very good manner in the market, one such best in the market is  Lockeys PhD Research Project center and Journal Publication Pvt  ( and Best PhD(