Monday, 4 July 2022

How to choose a non fake journal for Publication

 Hello Everyone

         Lets know something about how to choose a non-fake journal for publication.

 Many fake journals are there in Scopus and SCI and particularly many journals have multiple websites for them. This causes great confusion and sometimes scholars get trapped into fake journals.


 The following are some of the tips to identify fake/predatory journals.

Go for a detailed search of the journal website.

Check whether the journal is a member of DOAJ, COPE, OASPA or STM.

Approach / function through agents.

In Indian currency, they collect /publish publication fees.

They send spam / phishing mails / SMSs and cannot easily get in touch.

They collect publishing fees for user accounts. 

For more details Contact: Lockeys Technologies,, +91-9629906789/9884122230


 What is H-index & i10-index?



The h-index is short for the Hirsch index – Jorge E. Hirsch (2005).

The h-index is an author-level metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar.

The h-index is simply a count of the largest number of papers (h) from a journal or author that have at least (h) number of citations. 


The i10-index is the newest in the line of journal metrics and was introduced by Google Scholar in 2011.

It is a simple and straightforward indexing measure found by tallying a journal’s total number of published papers with at least 10 citations.            

For publication support you might seek help from an agency like Lockeys Technologies Pvt Ltd, 9884122230/9629906789.