Tuesday, 29 May 2018

What is the best way to select a Phd Research Topic

Being in research industry for one and a half decade, Lockeys, chennai have been often approached by people to advice them on how to select appropriate topic for their research.
Here are some pointers that we provide them with when asked about topic selection process and preparation of proposals..

Lockeys being the leading phd Project/research centre in chennai know very well the do's and dont's while selecting a PhD research topic.
By shortlisting your future career of interest
First and foremost, decide what interests you more. If you are interested in continuing your career into academic research or if you are more keen to contribute to corporate research leading to products that are economically viable.
For the former, it is easy to find out topics that are in popular demand in research. For example, search for trending topics in the field of your interest, see journal entries for such topics in peer review journals and you would be easily able to shortlist few research work.
For the later, it requires a look into research companies’ websites to find out what kind of patents they have applied for. Patents that are applied now would have some business value in later years. Study few of those patents to know where the technology trends are heading to. Select research topics based on such interest, as by the time you receive the PhD degree, you are industry ready.
By selecting the guide you wish to work with
Selection of a research guide is another way to shortlist your research topic. After you decide that you wish to pursue research in certain domain, you are needed to shortlist few guides who are going to take you through your PhD. Study the profiles of those guides. Find out the publications where they had contributed. Mostly these guide are the most experienced person in that particular subject matter and they would further their research in the topics in which they are already expert.
Now shortlist the topics from those research papers where there is a need of achieving further and prepare your proposal accordingly.
By knowing your own technical interest
Many people who intend to do PhD has special love for their technical enthusiasm. They like reading and getting themselves updated on the research findings from their domain. You may set up custom alerts (at sitres like google, pubmed, scifinder, espacenet etc) for research articles and patent applications on specific keywords, such that whenever such an article/patent application gets published, you get a notification at your email.
Try screening these papers at regular interval to know the trend of research activities in the domain of your interest. This will further help you in preparing a proposal of your future research.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Factors Influencing Investors Capital Market Investment in Retail Sector

According the Research conducted by Lockeys consulting,

The results indicates that the factors which are important to be considered for the making an investment decision is different from investor to investor but the factors whose are changing in proportion to the increase in the expertise of an investor.
The expertise of the persons investing in the capital markets increases by 0.581 when the investor is giving more importance to his/her knowledge factor and also increasing by 0.304, when investor give importance to identifying returns in markets and investing, and decreases by 0.39 when the investors depend more on friends advise to invest in the capital markets.
This research findings help in targeting the customers future decisional shift in investment selection factors will helpful for financial institutions to target their product to selected customers.  So, the capital markets or the organisations involving in trading business have to focus their promotions through friend referrals and advertisements of high returns stocks in the initial stages for getting the investment from an individual’s; where present young people are giving importance to their friends and returns factors, which helps in increasing investing population base exponentially from 1% as of now. The data collected also indicated there are 92.3% investors who invested in capital market, also recommended their products to their friends compared to 57% recommended for family members, 47% for Colleagues.
The financial investing institutions have to change their strategy while targeting people who have good expertise, because they will depend more on their knowledge to take their investment option, also the higher returns have a positive impact on their investment decision. They shift to rely more on their knowledge based investments along with returns what they get for particular investment or stock in the capital market. So, the financial institutions should focus on those advertisements of innovative products gives considerable returns to get their customer to invest more.

Publishing Paper in International Journal

Publishing paper in International Journal requires best quality article, trustworthy scholarly benefitial to community. 

Mostly each journal follows their own formatting standards, paper size etc. Like here is for ieee IEEE  Submission Guidelines for IEEE Magazines, Transactions, Journals, and Letters 

There are various international journals (see : Journal Rankings list). Select journal of your interest, go to it's link, check criteria and standard mentioned there.

When a paper is accepted for publication (upon completing the peer review process through ScholarOne Manuscripts), an electronic version of the manuscript will be requested for use in editing and typesetting. Manuscripts should be submitted in Word or LaTex (changes as per journal).

In top most journal, once you submit it take around 5-6 months for reviewing. If it is confirmed, then you can

We suggest few things, Papers of archival value should:

1.       Present new methods of analysis or experimentation.
2.      Present a new process, design, or technology.
3.      Discuss and provide fresh thoughts on the effects of evolving public and environmental policies on the technologies we address and operate.
4.      Be written in clear and understandable language.
5.      Be of interest to the reader of  journals you are publishing.
6.      Be of long-term value for the profession because of the above attributes.
Such papers are not those that:

1.       Plagiarize or regurgitate old and well-proven thoughts.
2.      Represent a minor variant of an old thought or analysis.
3.      Are written exposing the same or similar ideas in other journals or proceedings.
4.      Have copied others’ ideas without proper acknowledgment.
5.      Are poorly written, or written in an obscure manner.