Friday, 11 May 2018

Publishing Paper in International Journal

Publishing paper in International Journal requires best quality article, trustworthy scholarly benefitial to community. 

Mostly each journal follows their own formatting standards, paper size etc. Like here is for ieee IEEE  Submission Guidelines for IEEE Magazines, Transactions, Journals, and Letters 

There are various international journals (see : Journal Rankings list). Select journal of your interest, go to it's link, check criteria and standard mentioned there.

When a paper is accepted for publication (upon completing the peer review process through ScholarOne Manuscripts), an electronic version of the manuscript will be requested for use in editing and typesetting. Manuscripts should be submitted in Word or LaTex (changes as per journal).

In top most journal, once you submit it take around 5-6 months for reviewing. If it is confirmed, then you can

We suggest few things, Papers of archival value should:

1.       Present new methods of analysis or experimentation.
2.      Present a new process, design, or technology.
3.      Discuss and provide fresh thoughts on the effects of evolving public and environmental policies on the technologies we address and operate.
4.      Be written in clear and understandable language.
5.      Be of interest to the reader of  journals you are publishing.
6.      Be of long-term value for the profession because of the above attributes.
Such papers are not those that:

1.       Plagiarize or regurgitate old and well-proven thoughts.
2.      Represent a minor variant of an old thought or analysis.
3.      Are written exposing the same or similar ideas in other journals or proceedings.
4.      Have copied others’ ideas without proper acknowledgment.
5.      Are poorly written, or written in an obscure manner.

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