Friday, 1 November 2019

Best UGC/Springer/Elsevier/Scopus writing/Publication Support in chennai

Scopus Paper Writing

Being indexed in Scopus is a serious acquirement for journals worldwide. Accomplishing this success brings the satisfaction of the quality of your journal to other members of the scientific community.
We will write a paper on Scopus as per the standards. Our expert consultants will assist you to choose a title on IEEE Journals for your paper writing. And also we will write a paper for your own title. If you are looking for a Scopus paper writer then we are the best in industry/Chennai and we are Best Phd.

Springer Paper Writing

Writing a paper in Springer is not a easy thing. It is a high standard of its kind. It follows a specific Guidelines, style and submission procedure to write.
Best PhD Chennai is highly recommended for the best quality final paper. Team of our experts will help you to find a best topics of recent work in the industry. As per the given title we will write a quality paper for you. We will also recommended the own chosen topics. We write a best quality of Springer paper writing in Chennai.

Elsevier Paper Writing

Let’s be honest here. The process of Elsevier paper writing is an arduous and recursive one. It follows a high standard style format.
A writing is a piece of academic writing based on original research on a particular topic, and the analysis and interpretation of research finding. Since it involves various stages of finding, selecting, and reading sources on your research domain. Equally important is grouping, sequencing, and documenting information. We at Best PhD will help you to write a paper on recommended topic of yours and also we will suggest you a title of your own required domain. We are the best in writing a research papers in Chennai, TamilNadu and India

UGC Paper Writing

Writing a paper is the most difficult step of the research process. The paper informs the world what you have done, what you have discovered and what conclusions you have drawn from your findings. The paper should be written in a academic style.
Our paper writing services are of an scholarly caliber ensuring your manuscript is original, accurate and complies with UGC journal standards. The Best PhD provides the best paper writing services in Chennai.
We as a team with our head office at Chennai help colleges and phd research scholars/students with respect to
1. Paper publication in Elsevier Journals
2. Paper Publication in Springer Journals
3. Paper Publication in ANNEXURE-1 Journals
4. Paper Publication in UGC Journals
5. Paper Publication in Web of Science Journals
6. Paper Publication in IEEE Journals
7. Paper Publication in Scopus indexed Journals
8. We do help the leading colleges wrt conference proceedings etc...
We can get your paper published in regular and special issue based on your requirement. The publication process will be smooth and the authors will receive the following details directly from the journal
1. Login
2. Revision
3. DOI, Acceptance
4. Copy right form
5. Issue and volume no

Friday, 27 September 2019

PhD Paper Writing and Journal Publication

Paper publishing is by far the most important and the ultimate part of any successful research work. The most important factor is, that the fate of months and years of excruciating research work will be judged based on the quality and crispness of the paper published based on the research. Hence a lot of your resources both mental and physical need to be expended in a stream lined fashion to publish a paper which is fool proof in all aspects.

We have an exclusive team of specialists who are well versed in this genre. We will guide you in identifying the back ground problem, analyzing it, making the literature survey, identifying the quality journals with impact factor etc. We assure you of your research work getting published in a journal having adequate impact factor. We also assure you to publish your papers in International Journals and International Conferences according to Your University Standard/Norms. The Best PhD offers the best Journal scientific paper publication support in Chennai, TamilNadu and India for that matter.

Scopus Paper Writing
Being indexed in Scopus is a serious acquirement for journals worldwide. Accomplishing this success brings the satisfaction of the quality of your journal to other members of the scientific community.
We will write a paper on Scopus as per the standards. Our expert consultants will assist you to choose a title on IEEE Journals for your paper writing. And also we will write a paper for your own title. If you are looking for a Scopus paper writer then we are the best in industry.

Springer Paper Writing
Writing a paper in Springer is not a easy thing. It is a high standard of its kind. It follows a specific Guidelines, style and submission procedure to write.
Dissertation services is highly recommended for the best quality final paper. Team of our experts will help you to find a best topics of recent work in the industry. As per the given title we will write a quality paper for you. We will also recommended the own chosen topics. We write a best quality of Springer paper writing in Chennai.

Elsevier Paper Writing
Let’s be honest here. The process of Elsevier paper writing is an arduous and recursive one. It follows a high standard style format.
A writing is a piece of academic writing based on original research on a particular topic, and the analysis and interpretation of research finding. Since it involves various stages of finding, selecting, and reading sources on your research domain. Equally important is grouping, sequencing, and documenting information. We at Best PhD will help you to write a paper on recommended topic of yours and also we will suggest you a title of your own required domain. We are the best in writing a research papers in Chennai, TamilNadu and India

UGC Paper Writing
Writing a paper is the most difficult step of the research process. The paper informs the world what you have done, what you have discovered and what conclusions you have drawn from your findings. The paper should be written in a academic style.
Our paper writing services are of an scholarly caliber ensuring your manuscript is original, accurate and complies with UGC journal standards. The Best PhD provides the best paper writing services in Chennai.

Monday, 26 August 2019

Types of PhD researchers in current world

Positivist, Interpretive, and Critical Research

Why I see myself as a Positivist Researcher(PR):
I see myself as a Positivist researcher because of the following facts,
1      I prefer dealing with quantitative data, surveys, accurate experiments on the subject matter and using statistical tool which will be appropriate for my research.
2.      I prefer to do a systematic research combining empirical observation and deductive logic.
3.      I feel that everything needs to be seen through a scientific lens.
4.      To derive at a pattern I would use scientific tools/methods, surveys to arrive at the data set and statistical analysis.
5.      I rely on known and observable scientific facts.

Why I see myself as a Interpretive Researcher(IR):
I see myself as a Interpretive researcher because of the following facts,
1.      I would focus on understanding subjective experiences rather than simply observing facts as a positivist.
2.      As a interpretive researcher I would emphasize on conducting  a very close, detailed reading of the subject matter to arrive at a deep understanding.
3.      In addition to observable scientific facts I would use my common sense for my research.
4.      As a IR I strongly feel both scientific laws and common sense are important to carry out a research in their respective domain
5.      As a IR I would I always find a answer to the question “HOW” rather going by the scientific and observable facts.

Why I see myself as a Critical Researcher(CR):
I see myself as a Interpretive researcher because of the following facts,
1.      As a CR I take a neutral approach, I would use multiple layers in my research work.
2.      The multiple layers include, empirical, real and actual.
3.      As a CR I feel that scientific observations, empirical data and inner feeling/commonsense alone is not enough to carry out a research.
4.      I strongly feel that knowledge is power
5.      As a CR I don’t want to be a rational decision maker.

Difference Between PR, IR and CR
Quantitative data, Surveys and structural experiments
Common sense, inner feelings and qualitative data
Knowledge is Power
Scientific tools/methods, surveys to arrive at the data set and statistical analysis
How analysis
Neutral Approach
Narrow approach
Localized, Microlevel and short term approach
Broader and long term structural approach
Single layer research methodology
Single layer research methodology
CR states that research consist of multiple layers
Aim of PR is to prove the fact
Aim of IR is to answer how and why
Aim is to empower

I see myself as a CRITICAL RESEARCHER because,
1.      I feel knowledge is power and the end result of a research is just not to prove facts rather empower.
2.      I don’t want to stick to a narrow, localized, micro-level, short term approach and I feel my research should be multilayered, both qualitative and quantitative in nature.
3.      As a CR I feel we can observe  empirical reality using our senses and our personal experiences with the empirical reality is always not pure, neither neutral nor unmediated.
4.      As a CR I feel both PR and IR are rational decision makers and their decisions are always not pure in nature.
5.      As a CR I reject both PR and IR as their views are detached and concerned only with studying the problem instead of providing solution or acting on it.
Here in Lockeys, , we provide the best Phd Proposal, Thesis writing, publication in Scopus, SCI and Annexure-1 support in chennai, TamilNadu

Thursday, 1 August 2019

PhD training camp in chennai

 Phd Training Camp in Chennai!!!  (

We, Lockeys Consulting a leading PhD research consulting firm is conducting a free PhD training camp at Chennai on August 9th & 10th  2019.

Are you facing difficulty carrying out your research? Do away with your worries as Lockeys Research is organising PhD research camps on various aspects of research for scholars from management, literature and engineering research background.

PhD training camp starts at11 am, where you can discuss about your research problems and issues you are facing with our consultant . PhD scholars can discuss on aspects such as finalisation of topic, how to set the research objectives, research methodologies, research designs, data analysis, journal manuscripts for IEEE/Elsevier/Springer, publication and thesis writing. 

Please call us at +91-988412230/9629906789 or fill the excel sheet attached with your details for us to confirm your registration for the camp.

Hurry!!! Limited seats available…

No.49/31, Pudupet Street,
Alandur, Chennai-16.

Team lockeys
Lockeys Research consulting and Journal Publication