Monday, 26 August 2019

Types of PhD researchers in current world

Positivist, Interpretive, and Critical Research

Why I see myself as a Positivist Researcher(PR):
I see myself as a Positivist researcher because of the following facts,
1      I prefer dealing with quantitative data, surveys, accurate experiments on the subject matter and using statistical tool which will be appropriate for my research.
2.      I prefer to do a systematic research combining empirical observation and deductive logic.
3.      I feel that everything needs to be seen through a scientific lens.
4.      To derive at a pattern I would use scientific tools/methods, surveys to arrive at the data set and statistical analysis.
5.      I rely on known and observable scientific facts.

Why I see myself as a Interpretive Researcher(IR):
I see myself as a Interpretive researcher because of the following facts,
1.      I would focus on understanding subjective experiences rather than simply observing facts as a positivist.
2.      As a interpretive researcher I would emphasize on conducting  a very close, detailed reading of the subject matter to arrive at a deep understanding.
3.      In addition to observable scientific facts I would use my common sense for my research.
4.      As a IR I strongly feel both scientific laws and common sense are important to carry out a research in their respective domain
5.      As a IR I would I always find a answer to the question “HOW” rather going by the scientific and observable facts.

Why I see myself as a Critical Researcher(CR):
I see myself as a Interpretive researcher because of the following facts,
1.      As a CR I take a neutral approach, I would use multiple layers in my research work.
2.      The multiple layers include, empirical, real and actual.
3.      As a CR I feel that scientific observations, empirical data and inner feeling/commonsense alone is not enough to carry out a research.
4.      I strongly feel that knowledge is power
5.      As a CR I don’t want to be a rational decision maker.

Difference Between PR, IR and CR
Quantitative data, Surveys and structural experiments
Common sense, inner feelings and qualitative data
Knowledge is Power
Scientific tools/methods, surveys to arrive at the data set and statistical analysis
How analysis
Neutral Approach
Narrow approach
Localized, Microlevel and short term approach
Broader and long term structural approach
Single layer research methodology
Single layer research methodology
CR states that research consist of multiple layers
Aim of PR is to prove the fact
Aim of IR is to answer how and why
Aim is to empower

I see myself as a CRITICAL RESEARCHER because,
1.      I feel knowledge is power and the end result of a research is just not to prove facts rather empower.
2.      I don’t want to stick to a narrow, localized, micro-level, short term approach and I feel my research should be multilayered, both qualitative and quantitative in nature.
3.      As a CR I feel we can observe  empirical reality using our senses and our personal experiences with the empirical reality is always not pure, neither neutral nor unmediated.
4.      As a CR I feel both PR and IR are rational decision makers and their decisions are always not pure in nature.
5.      As a CR I reject both PR and IR as their views are detached and concerned only with studying the problem instead of providing solution or acting on it.
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